

Veli Jože


2nd Urban orienteering race

Motovun Tourist Board and Sport- recreational club Alba have organized the race which is suitable for families with children. It is a team-orientation race in which one of the members needs to be younger than 14 years of age.

The expected duration of the race is approximately an hour and the goal of the team is to find as many as possible hidden control points where it's necessary to perforate the ticket which they have received at the start. The control points are situated in the old town core and its surrounding area. The race is suitable for all age groups.

The goal of the race is not only to walk, but also to test your agility, speed, orientation and to entertain yourself. Teams need to register under the name which theme needs to be "Motovun" therefore last year's race has produced many interesting names.

Further information regarding the race will be published on